Technology Reflections

WOW! I did it! As technological savvy as I thought I was, I had no idea and have yet to incorporate ALL of the wonderful technological and digital aspects that I've learned in this course. I can't even wrap my head around this being my final reflection for such an amazing course. 

Image retrieved from "We Did It" Google Image Search

I do want to THANK YOU Dr. Gross for such an amazing semester full of learning! The past 7.5 weeks flew by and I am beyond thankful for allowing us to recover from Harvey before jumping into things! So again, thank you!
Image Retrieved from "Thank You" Google Image Search

Now, onward we go, to finish the final blog post of the semester! Blogging is not one of my strong suits, I see parent blogs, school blogs, and more and I just wonder how do they have the time? But, as a teacher, student, and single mother, I made the time! Now, if only I could go viral! HA! 

One of my favorite activities we did this semester was the Animoto! Making the book trailer was super easy and simple! I have shared it with my mom who is a fifth grade teacher and she plans on making the students do one a six weeks! While it is simple, the students are CREATING, ENGAGING, and USING the digital aspect of our ever growing technological world. As an inspiring librarian, I plan on incorporating students' digital master pieces throughout the school. To share these with other students, I plan on hanging QR Codes throughout the school so that they are able to find other books they may not have known about!

While I learned so much, I didn't enjoy the infographics. It was a little too difficult to master and I know that I got frustrated as an adult, I can't imagine having students work with something that I couldn't grasp. However, with more time and self-teaching, I can see myself trying to incorporate these into the library. 

Student use is what's most important to me. I plan on incorporating Animoto, QR Codes, YouTube, Cartoons, Tellagami, and Screencasting in the library. The possibilities with these programs are endless. Next week, I will be doing a screencast to help my mom's students to get to know Animoto. Tellagami is a fun way to do book trailers or spread information about library happenings. I believe that these programs will have the most beneficial use in a school's library. Who knows, maybe I'll get brave a blog about being a librarian!


  1. I love your "We did it" image! That is how I feel right now. I can honestly say this has been the toughest semester for me. I am taking 3 classes, then we had the hurricane, and I had two major family issues that came up very unexpectedly that turned my would upside down! Still recovering from all of that but so glad I didn't give up. Yes, I have learned so much in this class that I can easily see as being game changers in the classroom and library. This class pushed us to do things that most of us were afraid to tackle but found out we could be successful using. I can't wait to try some of these websites and apps and technology with students and teachers!

    1. I was in your shoes last year when I took three!! Enjoy your winter break!!

  2. Great blog post! It has been a challenging semester. I also feel that I have learned so much from this course. Infographics was also tough for me. I could not create what I envisioned, which I found so frustrating. I feel that the infographics programs we used would be more suited for high school students. I loved learning how to make QR codes and can imagine so many wonderful uses for them. I like your idea of showcasing student book trailers by utilizing QR codes. I hope you have a wonderful, well-deserved break!

    1. Watch out world! We're coming in hot!! We're going to have rockin libraries with this class' digital outlook!

  3. How great that you are already utilizing screencast to tutor your mom's classroom on Animoto! I think that is awesome! Congratulations on finishing this has been a whirlwind!

    1. Thank you! My son uses it ALL THE TIME! He's trying to go viral on YouTube for his "gaming"! LOL!

  4. I know I feel the same way. It has been a great semester filled with some great tools to use in the future. Animoto was one of my favorites and I have already pulled a few students to create a book trailer for me. Way to go on helping your mom in the classroom. That is putting to use the skills we learned.

  5. Lol Corie! I feel as though I'm looking into my own thoughts! I really thought I was technology, savvy, well maybe adequate...but through this course I soon realized I barelly tought the tip of adequate. There was so much I didn't know before taking this class. I feel like a boss know knowign how to use all these awesome tools! You're right! We did it!!! YAY Us! Great job!

  6. What a great feeling to finally finish this course. It's comforting to know that I am not the only one who felt overwhelmed with all the technical challenges this class entails. I think everything I learned in this class is a stepping stone to the biggest challenge ahead ....Graduation. On a serious note, I am glad to be able to answer the toughest question on an interview "How can you incorporate technology in the classroom and library." Many blessings


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